I actually hate tacos however, I'm going to pay for that one later...
I wasn't diagnosed until I was like twenty six. I'm twenty eight now.
I remember most of my life very vividly and I could never get a grasp as to why I could never make friends or stop getting made fun of. If someone was mad, I couldn't tell. Same with any emotion that wasn't expressed directly to me. I always hated that people would say one thing and do or say something completely different in turn. I never understood any joke that wasn't dry. I hated being touched and disliked myself so much that I wore my clothes to bed for nearly twenty four years. I can't understand anyone believing things without there being a scientific context to them.
When I got my diagnosis it all came together. Reading books on Asperger's was more of a introverted experience because I saw my childhood in them, only with me being recognized as having Asperger's and getting the right pre-emptive help.
But that's the past. I know what I have now and actually like the fact that I am considered odd. I'm fun at parties and inappropriate in school.
It's so cool that this website exists.
The best of us can find happiness in misery.
I do satire: Look up HenryMcAmerica on twitter.