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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Jul 2012, 11:59 pm

My name is Lucas, i came from Argentina and i have asperger syndrome.

At the time i'm involved in aspie activism, i'm helping to fight dsm-5 and i'm part
of the open source effort.

The reason i chose to register here is that there is a campaign for an international black out,
for asking apa to stop the dsm-5 stuff. If this project remain as is, the idea is to, in each one
house, in the entire earth, turn off the lights from 5:00 pm up to 8:00 pm, greenwich meridian time.
The time lenght is wider because the idea is to enable all the countries to participate despite their time


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08 Jul 2012, 1:31 am

Hello Welcome to Wrong Planet.
I also want to fight the DSM-5, but don't know where to start. As to your black out thing, there is a similiar thing called Earth Hour... is this the same or a different thing?


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08 Jul 2012, 3:48 am

Hi Scienceofmadness, Welcome to Wrong Planet!


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08 Jul 2012, 5:29 am

Bienvenido :D

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08 Jul 2012, 3:01 pm

Bienvenidos a Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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09 Jul 2012, 8:49 am


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Jul 2012, 2:26 pm

Well, i'm going to explain it a bit better:

The idea that i'm promoting, is, next friday 20, when london time is 5:00, that means, tea time, to turn off the lights of our houses since that time.

The world is divides in 24 pole-to-pole strips called Meridians. The "zero" one is the strip that passes by Greenwich, london. Since that, each country sets it's own time adding one hour per meridian at the east of greenwich, like Japan, and substracting at the west of Greenwich.

Argentina is at Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) -3, so i have to turn off my house at 2:00.

Everyone who wants to participate, based on its info, needs to know wich meridan belongs the country you live on.

If you don't know how to start, yesterday i made this twitter, @aspergernetwork , wich is tied from arge media to bbc, deutsche welle and nhk. It has just one day and it has earned 20 followers.

You can use the Stop DSM pic there as you wish, edit it, copy it, spread it. I made it in GIMP, Gnu Image Manipulation Programme.


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10 Jul 2012, 4:35 pm

Welkome to WP


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10 Jul 2012, 8:08 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet :D

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Jul 2012, 11:33 pm

Thank you.

Does exist any anti dsm-5 initiative apart from this one?