Hey guys
A bit about me:
I've kinda suspected I might have something up with me for many years.
I'm 27 and always had trouble making new friends; been a bit socially awkward; been a bit obsessive; and been into guitar, computer programming, gaming, fixing things, car engines etc. forever. I stutter sometimes when I'm speaking or I speak too fast. I hate speaking on the phone sometimes, mainly when it's something to do with work - even though I worked in call centres for 18 months and was fine there. I'm great at speaking on the phone to friends and family.
I procrastinate a lot, to the point where it damages my career and studying.
Here are a few of my quiz scores:
Actionpam quiz:
Agree: 4,5,6,7,12,16,18,19,21,22,23,26,33,39,41,43: 1 point
Disagree: 1,3,11,15,17,29,38,44,47,49: 1 point
Score: 26
OkCupid, broad autism phenomenom test:
You scored 100 aloof, 79 rigid and 81 pragmatic
and the Aspie Quiz:
Your Aspie score: 136 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 81 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I don't know if I have Asperger's, I don't know if I should go see a doctor. Should I maybe do some more of the quizzes?