I joined hoping I can get some ideas to help my son help himself.
He's 23, well into the genius level, very musically talented, loving to his younger siblings, and struggling to get along in the adult world.
We took him to a psychologist when he was 9 about ADHD. We were told he didn't have it because he can hyper focus on things that interest him. Knowing more now, I believe he was misdiagnosed then and most likely had and possibly still has ADHD.
I never heard of Asperger's until he was probably 15 or 16. By the time I'd read enough to recognize that he has many of the classic traits, by the time a couple of people had told me he is exactly like their child with Asperger's, he was really too old for me to make him do anything.
So...he's struggled over the last years to keep a job, with his temper, with social skills and difficulties, with money, with having car crashes, with legal and financial problems as a result of these things.
It breaks my heart to watch it. I can only imagine how much despair he must feel at this point both for his own situation and watching his younger brother soar through college on scholarships, headed toward great futures. He and I have had many talks over the years about his temper. I know he's worked hard at controlling it. We've talked about why people react to him as they do (the still face, the steady eyes, the monotone voice--things he doesn't do on purpose, but they unnerve people). We've talked about ways he can help those things but he doesn't follow through. We've talked about the possibility of Asperger's, but he feels I'm just criticizing him.
I've hoped he would finally take a hand in looking for some help, but today, I'm back to wondering what I can do to at least point him in the right direction, and any advice on how to talk to him that he can hear and consider the possibility, rather than dismiss it as a criticism.