Thanks for the welcome...some good suggestions..if I knew how to get them into Dan's head. He fully accepts that he has aspergers,but he uses it for an excuse when it works for him. He definitely needs counseling,but refuses to go. He has no clue about money,it's just there to spend, he has no impulse control. The debit card is his downfall. Part of his situation is caused by his Dad, he keeps bailing him out. Dan works fulltime at a job he has had for 6 years. He has no insurance, no savings,no plan. If we can't get him on track his Dad and I probably won't be able to retire in the next couple of years like we have planned on. I have to take some responsibility also. We got a late diagnosis in Dan, at 17. I always knew he was different but didn't know what it was. I was always at school and did alot for him. He was a difficult child,now a difficult man. I really don't know what's next for us. Thanks for letting me ramble on. Any more thoughts would be appreciated! Should I be in a different place with this?