I was diagnosed with as around four years ago (I'm 40 now) but am still trying to place where on the spectrum I stand.
So that's why I signed up-to talk to others wirh similar brains.
The VA has been a godsend for me. But I have to figure some things out for myself.
For instance I don't avoid eye contact. Instead I gaze directly into others eyes. If I think I have stared too long I'll avert my gaze but only enough that people think they have something on their face.
Also my speech is fairly good as far as inflections and rhythm-Very much like a comedian. I can be witty and humorous when I want.
However I have almost no sense of direction, I can't multitask, and when I use my hands to speak I confuse everyone. Well I'll stop there because I get pendantic and wordy.
I hope to contribute here and will answer any question of me.