Hello I go by Jackers! I am new to wrongplanet, but not new to Asperger's.
I had the typical delay of language and aloofness of classic autism. Pulling adults arms for opening a door, no eye contact, echolalia, the works. Then out of nowhere it became less pronounced. To this day I have a fixed routine, am socially aloof, am constantly spouting movie quotes or song lyrics, and can get overloaded with sound or crowds. Oh and I am notoriois for interrupting and speaking out random thoughts that come into my head.
At the age of 6 I got the PDD-NOS diagnosis.
At the age of 10 I got diagnosed with Asperger's and Nonverbal Learning Disability.
From about the age of 8 to the age of 11 I had auditory training therapy. I also had occupational therapy from 6 until then.
I received ABA training at the age of 11 and 12 but got dropped as my parents were told that in terms of social skills and manners I was a lost cause. It didn't bother me too much when I stopped.
I was in full inclusion all the way to high school then was in a diploma based special ed program in 9th grade. I graduated with a diploma not a certificate.
About 5 years ago I got my own apartment and now have intermittent staff support several hours a day to help me live independently. I work at a sheltered employment center in the electronics manufacturing department doing electronics assembly. I also take classes in junior college. Have yet to find a major!
Through the employment program I have met several people that have similar interests and we have formed our own "big bang theory" group. We meet up at each other's houses or apartments eat pizza and watch several movies (usually themed such as Godzilla v.s. mothra/Godzilla vs Space godzilla or SNL best of marathons). Usually the evening ends playing a board game, magic the gathering or fighting over whether or not to use the X box. For every one of us this is the most social we have ever been.
I hope to meet people and have discussions On this website. I also hope to learn more about the similarities and unique qualities that we all share, and what makes one persons experience different from another person's. Thank you!