Hi all,
I'm the NT wife of another new member here, Catalyst. He kinda pre-intro'd me in his post, so I'll spare ya.
We've had a ball reading over the YMBAAI thread, and it's nice to have a place like this where I can have it confirmed that while Cat will always be unique to me, at least some of his weirdness is not really weird when you view it in the context of others with AS. In fact, a couple of my children display some mild autistic traits, themselves, although I would be seriously surprised if any professional would agree that those add up to a medical diagnosis. Come to think of it, I think my family is all in all just a little off the center mark, which is probably why we all adore Cat and he can relate to us better than he's been able to relate to most of the people in his life before.
I see the difficulties and pain that come from having Asperger's, but I also see the amazing differences between Cat and the rest of us that make him so special, and made me fall in love with him in the first place. Life is NEVER boring around here, that's for sure, and the majority of the time it is wonderful, and we're happy as clams. Every day there are fewer and fewer moments when I feel the urge to skin him alive and rub him down with salt, and instead I just have to kinda shake my head and say, "I love you honey. You are WEIRD, but I love you."
Looking forward to meeting new friends here!