Hello everybody,
I'm terrible at introductions at the best of times but here it goes...
I have signed up to this site in the hope of making contact with some accepting, like-minded people, as they are often hard to come by.
Around 6 months ago I first stumbled upon this site during one of my many attempts to find communities with similar experiences/ways of thinking to my own. Time and again this site kept popping up and I found myself becoming increasingly curious about the possibility of my having Asperger Syndrome; the more I read, the more reason I had to suspect that I have it. So far I have not sought a diagnosis, but am definitely considering doing so in the near future. We'll see how that goes.
While I am aware that internet tests are not a reliable means of judging, I have scored consistently highly on every AS test that I've taken.
At the very least, from my vantage point it would seem to provide an answer to many of the problems and questions that I have been plagued by for most of my life (I'm 20 years old by the way).
Anyway, I really just wanted to say HI WORLD! It's good to be here!
And best wishes to you all.