Hi, I'm John Wiley, new to the group, 49.
I was diagnosed and treated as bipolar for a long time.
A recent re-assessment showed that I'm really high-functioning
Asperger's “with Deep depression ans anxiety”. Asperger's Syndrome
explains much about my life.
My restricted area of interest was pipe organs from a young age. Organ music was
important because it related to pipe organs. I was stuck with other things like school,
simple jobs, but nothing mattered but pipe organs. I was apprenticed in building
pipe organs. When that fell through, at my next two jobs, one classified but having to do with “quality control” and the other in the electronics industry itself the people that I worked with
heard about how everything related to pipe organs for years.
Eventually, after years and with much effort, I completed a four year college degree
in business. My project was a feasibility study of hybrid automobiles. People heard
all about that for years.
Computers started to be an obsession are the current
interest that I have, although now that I am treated, it is not an obsession.
Then I moved back close to family. I soon fell into major depression because of
constant spine pain. I was treated for the depression, then re-diagnosed as bipolar
disorder. I even became president of the local chapter of the Depression and Support Alliance for years, an all volunteer, unpaid job. That helped me to be more social. With a re-assessment recently,at my insistence, correctly diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder, well, with deep depression and anxiety.
I have had a complex clerical/mail room job for 12.5 years now with great retirement benefits and medical coverage.
I usually walk with my head down, by habit, so I do not make eye contact. When I do
talk to someone I rarely make eye contact. Clothing for me must be soft. I have really sensitive hearing. I do not make friends easily as I often say the socially wrong things.
I am very absent minded and even forget where I am going at work sometimes.
I am a real "homebody" and isolate by nature.
I communicate much better in writing than in person since I can
go back and edit, spell check, re-word, take what I said back, etc.
Often I write my emails in a word processor and just copy and paste them
into the email. It's easier.
I grew up in a small town in the USA in the 60's and 70's, so I was never diagnosed
with anything, but often teased and bullied. I was often teased and bullied about being
“antisocial” and “ret*d”all through high school. Now I know why.