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Emu Egg

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29 Aug 2012, 7:33 pm

HI everyone! I was hoping to just get some thoughts from people out there who are more experienced than myself...

My behaviors now and in the past fit the symptoms of Asperger's, but I actually feel like a fool trying to label myself Asperger's before a professional does.

I feel like this is kind of indicative of Asperger's in itself.

The thing is, I feel like I've taught myself to overcome a lot of the difficulties people with Asperger's face (Aspies sounds derogatory to me). I especially remember being in middle school and not understanding why everyone was telling me I was mean, or why I could only make friends with the teachers, or why I kept wearing the same hoodie every day...

I think they way I thought was so concrete that I couldn't even fully comprehend they symptoms when they were described to me. Mostly because when I read "Do you do _________?" I automatically assume that the question is asking me if I do it on purpose... So I never think to examine the things I have done unconsciously.

Probably the most interesting thing I've noticed is the way I've learned to communicate. I feel like every word or phrase I use is associated with some specific instance - either the way I learned it, or a certain pronunciation, or the way a person said it in a movie...

I guess without an official diagnosis, I just want to touch base with some people who know. Does any of this sound familiar to you guys? I'm going crazy. I would love any thoughts that anyone has, please!! !!


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29 Aug 2012, 7:56 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :) You're in a good place to start your journey!

(My everyday hoodie for several years was blue, I just loved it until it fell apart)

Your Aspie score: 165 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 48 of 200
EQ 12 SQ 70 = Extreme Systemizer


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30 Aug 2012, 2:49 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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01 Sep 2012, 9:20 am

Welkome to WP


The Family Enigma

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Sep 2012, 3:18 am

"Probably the most interesting thing I've noticed is the way I've learned to communicate. I feel like every word or phrase I use is associated with some specific instance - either the way I learned it, or a certain pronunciation, or the way a person said it in a movie... "

(I'm not sure to "quote" you with the proper format, so I've just put quotes around it.)

You sound like an interesting person! Some of what you've said to describe yourself reminds me very much of my son, who has AS. (I'm NT.) I especially like this particular quote, as I am fascinated and impressed by the way the mind of a person with AS works. My (adult) son has a wonderful, brilliant mind, and -like many with AS- has a unique way of looking at things.

Your hoodie story reminded me of one day when my son was in elementary school. He was not particular about what clothes he wore to school, and was happy to let me choose his clothes. On this day, he asked if he could start picking out his own clothes, because (as he said) "I want to be more like the other kids. Their clothes don't always match." \

Your "concrete" way of thinking sounds very familiar to me, as I can relate it to my son's way of thinking. The way you've taught yourself to "overcome a lot of the difficulties people with Asperger's face" also sounds very much like my son. He is my hero for what he has overcome.

Best of luck to you, as you begin this journey to learn more about yourself!


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03 Sep 2012, 11:12 am

You know, I am really not sure from your examples. So it may be best to keep your mind open as far as what it is that makes you feel different from most people. Don't want to pigeon-hole youself prematurely. If it does turn out you are Aspie, its not of course the end of the world as you know it, just a fact, like your genetic makeup. It isn't progressive as far as I know (ie. gets worse).