Hello all! I am very happy to be a vew member here on Wrong Planet. I registered some time ago but only now do I find enough time out of my hectic schedule to get involved here. But at long last, I finally do, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nathanael, (you can call me Nate or Nathan if you prefer), and I turn 22 this month. I am currently a Senior at Gordon College, a non-denominational evangenical Christian College in Wenham, Massachusetts, on Boston's North Shore. I am originally from Northampton, Massachusetts, about halfway in between Vermont and Connecticut. I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was nine, at the time it was first officially recognized as a condition. I've always known I'm different from most everyone else, and I'm working very had to accept this, and it's getting easier and easier all the time. But when I was in middle and high school it was a lot harder. My frustrations and anxieties took their toll on me so much I had to get some of my teeth capped as a result of all the grinding. But this too, is improving, much to my happiness and relief. I plan to post some more postings on other topics as well as start some of my own on this forum and the others and get involved in other ways as well. It may be a few weeks before you guys get anything major from me, especially with finals coming up, as well as Christmas, New Years, and my 22nd birthday, all in the same vicinity. But I thought while I have a moment, heck, why not go ahead ang break the ice now? So that's what I'm writing now to do.