Hi everyone,
I've been lurking on here for a while, but I decided to join as I was diagnosed with NVLD last week. Right now I'm swinging between relief that my psychologist confirmed I'm not just "a bit quirky, could do so much better if she tried harder", and feeling quite overwhelmed by the feeling of "Hurray, I'm special! ... now what?"
Nonetheless, I'm trying to see it as a positive thing, and move forward. I'm hoping posting here will be a small step towards meeting some new people who I feel comfortable with. I'd love to talk to anyone with a similar diagnosis, or just anyone who has similar interests or experiences.
I love music (especially punk, post-hardcore, and emo, but I listen to tons of different stuff), alternative style, classical history and archaeology, videogames (currently playing: Diablo 3, Terraria, Borderlands, and Minecraft), and general nerdery such as Trek, Doctor Who, etc.
So ... hi!