Well here is my Semi-Necessary "Hello" post. I am JockGitJnr, although most people call me Jock or Jockgit, I am currently 19 years old and I am waiting for a Diagnosis for Aspergers.
I have been browsing Wrong Planet for about 4 months now reading up and learning about Aspergers and I thought I am ready to sign up and join in the conversation. I have been told I have Aspergers by two medically trained acquaintances and again by another acquaintance that has Aspergers himself, but I have yet to see my GP and arrange a full diagnosis. I first got told I may have Aspergers when I was 18 which meant I had to struggle through school knowing I had a problem, but without knowing what that problem is. I have toyed with the idea that I had Schizotypal for a while after taking a mental health test. After further reading into this Personality disorder, I realized it was not what I had and I was back to square one.
I spend a majority of my time on my computer Programming and playing Video Games, although I dedicate a portion of my life on reading books. I am currently reading the works of Asimov, more specifically, The Foundation series.
So far this is the best Autism community I have found. I enjoy that everyone is laid back and does not get too easily offended (Something I manage to do without realizing often). I also enjoy the openness of the Forum and how everyone respects each other. I hope I get on with you all and I fit in and have some interesting conversations.
What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?" - Sir Terry Pratchett