Jetson wrote:
As far as I know, the main difference is that autism (including HFA) implies a clinically significant speech disability whereas the DSM-IV criteria for AS states that no speech delay is evident. A diagnosis of Kanner autism also requires that a greater number of autism phenotype traits be present.
Or something like that...
BTW, welcome to the party. I'm 39 and just discovered AS in February of this year. Until then I just thought I was weird.
Thanks! (That all sounds so clinical. It seems amazing that you only found out about it last month,lol!)
oatwillie wrote:
Welcome! I'm a mid 40's Male in Texas, too. Hopefully, you will find some solace in further discussion about the differences between AS and HFA, but as I understand it, there seems to be a fair amount of overlap. We need a great deal of further study; no doubt. None-the-less, it's good to hear from you.
You too. I appreciate the replies.