Hi and Welcome,
I'm from the Midlands (But the better side !.
). Like you I have recently discovered I have almost def got AS, unlike you I have decided not to get an official diagnosis because at my age (51) I can't see the point. I'm basically learning to use this forum, posting questions and reading other posts and replies that I think might lead to a greater understanding of my AS. Just
the knowledge of having AS and it explaining so many of the problems and difficulties I have had in my life has already changed my outlook and has effected recent decisions. Your post does not mention your age, but for me the difficulty is separating AS from my own personality, which of my traits are due to AS, which are just me and which are mechanisms that I have adopted subconsciously to cope with the wrongness/strangeness ,difficulties communicating/socialising and handling my emotions the I have had in my life. I can't help you with any support groups, because I feel I can get to understand it myself and because just by reading the posts on this site, you will quickly learn there are vast differences between people with AS, the affect of their age and experiences, family backgrounds/upbringing, intelligence and individual personality traits makes for a vast melting pot. Finding someone exactly like yourself, who has already gone through this and can offer you all the answers, would be like winning the Euro lottery.
Good Luck on your Journey and Remember " The Truth Will Set You Free !."
Feel free to post a personnel message, not that I can supply you with any answers but I can offer support and understanding.