So I'm 18, from Texas (although I don't see why my location should matter, I just notice a lot of people put theirs down), and although I have no official diagnosis I can't help but wonder if I may have Asperger's. I fit the majority of symptoms so perfect, my mom and teachers have always had a suspicion. I'm no diagnosticion but just by reading the required minimum criteria for Aspergers I do meet it. One time when I was a little girl my aunt actually ran around telling people I was autistic, ticked my mom off haha.
I only came across the site as of last Wednesday. I decided to become an at least somewhat active member because I can relate to people on here. Most people that are aspies I can relate too, I see myself in them. I knew I'd get the best advice from people that KNOW what it is like to have asperger's and won't get some bull like "You don't have aspergers, I should know because my little cousin has it and screams at firetrucks!!"
So I'll leave it at that, I hope I'm welcome. I did spend some time contemplating as to what my thread topic should be named, in order for it to gain some attention and replies, but I just settled on something simple. Hopefully I can eventually even discuss my "symptoms" and gain some insight and advice on whether or not I should seek a diagnosis.