Hi everyone,
So the first time I ever heard of Asperger's was a few years ago from a contestant on America's Next Top Model who said she had it and briefly described what it was. I remember thinking in passing, "Huh. That's me." But I didn't look into it further.
I've been married for 16+ years. It's been pretty much hell. My husband described me as a cold fish, which deteriorated over the years into soul-sucking, evil Harpy. We were in couples counseling and I had participated in individual therapy because I REALLY wanted to make my marriage work. **tthhppt**tthppt**tthhppt** (visual is Yukon Cornelius out of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer licking his pick to test for gold) - NOTHING! We were both convinced that I was deeply in denial about my character flaws. Seriously, we were literally one year away from divorcing. Until -
10/13/2012 apprx. 8:00 p.m. Hubby's had some coffee and was buzzing around. He announced he was going outside to rearrange his mancave (garage). I decide to climb into bed and pop in a movie. I start getting drowsy, look at the clock (it's about 9:15 p.m.), and think to myself that it's ok I don't go say good night because F-1 is on at 10:00 p.m. Hubby will be in at that time to watch F-1, so I'll wake up again, so it's really not "good night time", so the night's not over. (Back story - Historically, it's a gripe of his, this good night thing. He says it's inconsiderate for me to not say good night to him.) He comes in and I do wake up (I look at the clock - it's 9:50 p.m.) He is freakin' furious that I didn't go out and say good night! I'm all confused - truly, truly - and go into my long, drawn out explanation as to why I didn't go out and say good night, etc., etc. And he storms out and drives away. He gets back in the wee hours of the morning after calming down and explains to me that while my thought process on the matter he could understand, it is still considerate for me to apologize because of his emotional state.
10/14/2012 Hubs researches Asperger's and is absolutely struck. He says I have to read more about it. We are both CONVINCED I'm an Aspie. From the book Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood - "I know I have Asperger's, because nothing else comes even close to describing my weirdness as flawlessly and perfectly as Asperger's syndrome does." That is EXACTLY how I felt after further research on Asperger's. Hubs and I had both previously looked at other things like Narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, etc. And with those my/our reaction was "yeah, I suppose that's me." With Asperger's it was "Holy Cow! That's ME!" And then I stumbled on something about toe walking being a common occurrence with Aspies and I was like "What the heck?! Are you kidding me?!" I STILL toe walk and I'm 41 years old!
Asperger's explains so much of things I did and things I do and the strangeness I've always felt. Coming to the conclusion that I'm an Aspie has basically evaporated 16 years of marital turmoil. And I'm so happy and hopeful!
I'm super high functioning. I look back on my teen years and attribute a lot of my social skills to my experiences from that time. I worked in a family-owned restaurant. It was sink or swim and a lot of emotional meltdowns (which now I understand why).
Well, thanks for listening. And hello. Nice to meet y'all. Looking forward to learning more about myself.
Aspie Quiz: AS: 133, NT: 78
Roz in San Diego, CA.