Since my six year old son was found to be a high functioning autistic two years ago, I have been learning a lot about ASDs. In going through his testing, talking with his therapists and watching him grow, my wife and I have found that much of it applies to me both now and as I was growing up. As the days go on and the evidence mounts, I have become nearly certain that I am at home on the spectrum. Out of my desire for confirmation, I have recently taken a number of self assessments. The assessments along with the information I have regarding my childhood development point clearly to a high likelihood of Aspergers. I am unlikely to seek out an official diagnosis as I do not see what good it would do for me at this point in my life other than to confirm the knowledge which I feel I already have.
I am just glad we are able to get my son the help he needs. Unfortunately, when I was his age, these issues were not recognized by the medical and psychological communities. Fortunately, I always had the support of my family, even when I did not recognize it.
One of the assessment websites pointed me here. My entire life I have felt as though no one understood what I have been going through, even my wife. Love each other as we do, try as we might, we accepted a long time ago that in some aspects we would always remain mysteries to each other. Now, in the last few days I have been scouring wrongplanet, I have found nearly everywhere I look, people who understand. Ideas and concepts are being openly discussed and explored that before I have always had met with at best bafflement, or more often, open derision.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for being. I apologize if I bore.