But I'll be married to one soon!
I'm 24, female, my fiance was diagnosed about 9 months ago. He is rather content with just having a diagnosis for now, there aren't really any plans for him to seek therapy or other treatment at this time. We manage quite well, despite our differences. It helps that I am very introverted and prone to anxiety myself. He enjoys crowds/groups of people even more than I do!
About a year ago (before the diagnosis), my fiance had a melt-down and said something about "feeling like he'd been born on the wrong planet" That instantly caught my attention because he had never even heard of this forum but I had, and it made a lot of sense to me, taking into consideration his other quirks. Within a week I'd gotten him some information about Aspergers and a couple months later he had an official diagnosis. It was a huge relief for him (and me).
I probably will just lurk a lot but I hope you guys don't mind an NT creeping around the forum.