Hi. I'm 36. Male. from Sweden, Computer, fishing and motor interested, last time I counted I had 17 computers, almost of every available platform. The amount of fishing rods unknown. Motors, one, a wreck going for recycling. That's all my interests.
Three kids, separated from the mother, and generally more confident with text communication than verbal communication. The verbal communications is no problem but "it drains my mind".
I'm under investigation for Asperger since two of my kids has been diagnosed, and after my Ex fiancé noticed the extreme similarities that me and my kids have. That rolled up a curtain for her too. We've been a couple for almost 19 years, but I could never understand that I just switched parental guidance to a secondary mom because she was the right. It took 7 years to se her fit to be the mother of my children (that sounds spooky, doesn't it) But that's apparently how we work. I can't say that I don't love her, But in the struggle for 3 kids with both Asperger and other neurological problems and severe allergies, We grew away from each other as a couple. But we still talk about 3 hours per day on the phone (!)
It's my third week even heard of Asperger from the start so it's a quite tumbling experience.
I'm dyslectic in some parts, so try to read between the lines, please. The mind goes ahead of the fingers!