Hello I am new here to Wrong Planet, and I am mainly coming here for help I think that I either have PDD-NOS or mild Asperger's Snydrome though I am unsure. I have OCD, but some of the obsessions I have differ from OCD in that they are not distressing. Some of my obsessions have been with german culture due to my admiration of their intellectual prowess. This particular obsession I had for half of a year, and I talked a lot about Germany, and german culture particularly their science. I have had many other obsession including words in which I would look up a great deal of information on. I was just hoping someone could perhaps help me out, and tell me whether or not I have an ASD. I have been different from other people since I was a child this is self evident as I am definitely socially awkward. I had a hard time keeping, and making friends as a child. Though I do lack some of the criteria for Asperger's such as I can make eye contact relatively easy with most people, and I am starting to understand jokes better though I cannot make them I used to be horrible at trying to understand them. Anyone this is my introduction to the Wrong Planet populace, and I hope that perhaps some of you could help me thank you, and it was nice indirectly speaking to all of you.