Hi! My name is Kelsey, I'm 22 and I live in RI.
I'm not really sure what my diagnosis status is. My therapist suggested testing, then we found out that insurance doesn't cover many hours, now she says she's comfortable with not doing testing for a diagnosis since she feels I have Asperger's without a doubt, and she would rather test to get an idea of "treatment direction". Confused? Yeah, me too.
Either way. My mom is a teacher and she works with a lot of children who are on the spectrum. I grew up aware of autism and felt I could relate to it. I became very good at hiding my lack of eye contact and went along with the idea that I'm just shy, rather than incapable of existing socially(which is the truth. Seriously, conversations: why u so hard?!). At around age 10 or so, I asked my mom if I was autistic. She said that was absurd. I went on with my life half believing her, but always aware that something about me was just....different.
Then, life happened. After one hell of an adolescence, I ended up seeing psychiatrist after psychiatrist, mostly for some PTSD and an eating disorder(which I now see actually started as a special interest/obsession mixed with my sensory issues with food and rituals and all that). After "possible bipolar", OCD, generalized anxiety, major depression, and ADHD, finally a diagnosis (?) that makes sense! Certainly explains why no medications ever worked....
So here I am. 22 years old, a perpetual student, trying to figure myself out. But! For the first time, I'm hopeful that I can finally graduate school(proper accomodations!), and for the first time since preschool, I don't hate myself for being weird. While I'm not quite sure if my therapist has "labeled" me officially, I have no doubt I have Asperger's. for once, everything in my life makes sense. And I'm SO glad to have found a place like this!! ! Not only is it nice to know that I'm not weird or crazy or broken, just different....but it is SO nice to know I'm not alone!!
And deary me, that was long. Sorry!!