You are right, it is really important that you prepare her for any possible changes. I am on the spectrum. My mind is like a computer, anything new has to be reprogammed. for example, when my mom says to do the dishes a certain way, and later wants it done differently, she cannot just tell me how to do it different, she has to show me as if I have never done dishes. So when making plans with her that in mind. Also, I can only speak for me but, I cannot focus being in places with lots of people, colors, shapes, sounds, and sizes. When I go to a building with colored walls, and pictures, and colored trim, and tables, and lights, I feel like chaos in my head. I get frustrated easier. For you, there may not be much going on in the room, but you do not think about everyones shoes,, their color and size, the peoples height, the walls and how come they painted them that color, the possible structure of the building, ect. I subconsciously take in every detail of every room I enter. If there is too much to take in, I get exhausted.
What is "Normal" Anyway?