I just wanted to get the ball rolling here and introduce myself. I'm a 24-year-old male who's just been given a formal diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome. I've had a strong suspicion (more like "certainty") that I fell somewhere on the autistic-schizoid continuum for a while, ever since I was assigned AS for a science project in high school and was struck that what I was reading was so similar to how I am. My Myers-Briggs profile fits to the INTJ archetype.
My primary fields of interest are computer science (particularly C/POSIX API system programming), open-source operating systems (I've built several of my own Linux From Scratch OS's with full-disk encryption, all hand-configured and compiled from source), linguistics/conlanging, economics and related fields (game theory, operations research, etc.), and military history and strategy. I like to read, largely sci-fi, fantasy, and philosophical novels (think Dostoyevsky) for fiction, and technical books, philosophy, and the "mirrors-for-princes" genre (Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Robert Greene, Miyamoto Musashi) in non-fiction. Presently I'm making my way through The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy, after having finished off The Linux Programming Interface. I'd have to say that my favorite writers include Nietzsche, Max Stirner, and Dostoyevsky.
I also enjoy anime (real-robot and postcyberpunk being my genres of choice, i.e. Gundam, Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex, and Neon Genesis Evangelion being my favorites. Video games I like tend towards turn-based strategy and 4X, along with stealth games; presently I play Sins of a Solar Empire, Total War: Shogun 2, Hearts of Iron II: Darkest Hour, Space Empires IV, Dwarf Fortress, and Minecraft; I also am a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series. I'm also a fanatical Brony Supremacist, favoring Applejack and Derpy Hooves in our Glorious Revolution.
Though I've informally identified as having AS for years, I'm still in the process of taking in the fact of being autistic, and the full scope of what this may mean for the course of my life and how I can manage in adult life; having moved back in with my father after a year of community college which ended in emotional breakdown on account of my difficulties acquiring and holding employment. It's an elephant in the room which can't be ignored any longer, and I'm desperate to gain control over my life and destiny.
Anyways, greetings and salutations!