Hi! I am 53 yr old male originally from Ireland but living in England for many years. My 14 year old daughter is at last finally going through the formal diagnosis procedures to confirm the long standing belief of her relatives and schoolteachers that she has Aspergers or some sort of ASD. Health Authorities in this part of England are a nightmare to deal with as they are obsessed with the politically correct idea that young people should not be 'labelled'. The system failed daughter in primary school but her teachers at secondary school are forcing health authority to recognise her very obvious condition. In seeking help for my daughter I have come to realise that I may very well have Asperegers myself and having taken several online Aspergers tests they would indicate very strongly indeed that I have the condition. I know from the huge struggles I have had in life that this has been an undignosed condition. It is unlikely that I can ever get a formal diagnosis as health authority is cutting back on adult services to save money, I have no one left alive who knew me as a child (I understand that their evidence is important for a diagnosis in an adult) and as a full time carer for a wife with a mental illness I cannot work and cannot therefore afford a provate diagnosis.