I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 19. It's been an experience - underwent a battery of EEG Biofeedback sessions, got kicked out of my university, got a degree in the culinary arts, and now I'm back at a new university. I've been around, I suppose. I've decided to join this community because, well, I feel quite alone on the S.S. Asperger. I mean, I have friends - good, true friends - but I don't have anyone to talk to about my Asperger's.
My big passion in life has been video games. My first game was Pokemon when I was a kid, and video games have been a significant part of my life ever since - my 'topic of interest,' so to speak. I'm actually in school to get into video game development and design - my goal is to get an internship with a video game development team, like Double Fine. I don't think I could work for the bigger companies like EA - I've never really excelled in bigger institutions.
I've lived these last few years suppressing my AS - I've gone so far as withdrawing from social interaction for a year. Didn't work at all. And after this last semester, after living with my younger brother and befriending his circle, I've realized that for all my flaws...I think that, without my AS, I'd be hollow. So for me, I feel the next step is here. I feel like I need to embrace my AS, rather than push it away. It's always going to be a part of who I am - might as well redirect my efforts into more productive ventures.
Sorry for the little rant - it's nice to make your acquaintances!