I have a vague memory when I was about three years old of going to the doctors office with my mother. When we went in the doctor had several toys, I think a coloring (or it could have been a pop-up) book, and a stack of flash cards. All I can really remember was playing with the toys and the book and the doctor asking me questions that I can not remember. This was apparently the first time I was suspected to have aspergers although only 6 months ago when my life was reaching a critical crisis I was re-told the story of the doctors visit by my mother, and the purpose of seeing the doctor was to check if I may had autism. The doctor cleared me (because back then aspergers wasn't on the autism spectrum at the time of my visit) and I went my whole life unknowing the cause of my strange behavior.
I always knew I was different from the other kids and they all knew I was different than them. I substituted a lack of empathy with kindness feeling that if I was nice to the other they would be nice to me no matter what, and since I grew up in a very small town with a graduating class of 40 kids it wasn't that hard.
I am out of high school now though and in college, and I am freaking the f**k out (I know you guys said no swearing but if I did anything else it wouldn't be genuine). Massive tides of paranoia are seeking out to crush my life and my will. Can I actually ask a girl out? Is it possible for me to be friends with people I hadn't known during childhood? Will I ever learn to drive!? Though I believe I am now just starting to grasp the idea life, and I don't view myself as having aspergers, but I use it to put a name on my strangeness.
Any who... I'm 19, a freshman in college, never had a girlfriend before, never kissed a girl before, I am a major history geek ( I guess you could say that's my "focus"), an avid gamer, reader, and poet. And I'm just a bored dude looking for something to do.