Deathsin wrote:
eric76 wrote:
Deathsin wrote:
I don't like that when ever i tell someone i possibly have avoidance personality disorder they go off and ask me what that is.
Which is better -- to ask what it is and therefore learn something about it or to not ask what it is and therefore learn nothing about it?
That isn't my point i am trying to point out that people need to look something up instead of asking before answering.
i don't understand why people dont it isnt hard.
Do I understand what you said correctly?
That when you tell someone about something that they do not know about, it is better for them to go to school or home or a library or possibly somewhere else and look it up and read about it rather than ask you questions when you tell them?
That isn't how it works. Admittedly, if it did work that way, perhaps there would be fewer crackpot notions going around since they would hopefully get answers from a more reliable source. But it just doesn't work that way in general.