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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Feb 2013, 6:55 pm

This past week I have been at the end of my rope. Once again I'm in a situation where even though I feel like I am trying my hardest to fit in at my new job, I can't. I'm overwhelmed by the lack of specific instructions. Every person you work with does things a different way and they each want it done their way when you are with them. I repeat my mantra "I do best when I know what is expected of me." I ask for policies and instructions and I find myself in a place where I have been so many times: MISUNDERSTOOD. I thought it was me. What seems so normal and common sense-y to me seems foreign to everyone else. What everyone else finds fun and humorous, I find ridiculous. They're smiling and laughing and all I can hear is Red Foreman's voice saying "Dumb@ass". This week I resolved to find a counselor to give me medicine that will make me like everyone else or make me not care that I'm not like everyone else. I sobbed to one of my friends that I am just so tired of being different and I don't know what is wrong with me. How can things that are so logical be so wrong? I feel like a Vulcan. She told me she thinks I might have Asperger's and she has thought it for a while. I looked it up. Yes. Yes. Yes!! That is me. That's me to a T. You mean I am not alone? I'm not the only person in the world who feels this way? At my appt this Friday I will ask my counselor more about Asperger's.

People say I am very black and white. I like rules. I like lists. I like logical things. I have a hard time expressing my emotions verbally without a lot of forethought. When I do get upset and cry, it feels like I am being a weak person. I struggle to participate in everyday goofy humor that others seem to be able to do easily. I have to control the radio. I cannot stand to listen to music I do not like. I cannot stand repetitive noises like children whining in a store. (I will roll up my windows at a stop light if someone has their bass turned up and is thump thump thumping.) I don't like crowds or parties - they make me feel like I can't breathe. I get irritated when stores are too crowded and will avoid them or just not get the items I need until later. I unconsciously pull at the skin on my upper lip. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it until it bleeds. I have done this my whole life. Like others here, I think I am just being honest about something but others feel I am being harsh or impolite. I get anxious if I do not have alone time to recuperate. I don't just like time alone. I NEED it.

Sometimes it feels like I am acting in order to fit in socially. I have to direct myself to act appropriately in conversations that I am not interested in (Raise your eyebrows now. Nod your head. Smile. Saw "Aww.", etc) Those reactions are unnatural to me so I have learned to do them but I have to prompt myself. When I am overwhelmed I prefer to be alone and just drive and drive. When I get interested in a subject, I want to learn everything about it and then I am done with it. I am particular about the foods I eat and get very anxious if I have to try a new dish - especially if someone has cooked it for me because I have learned that people expect you to like it or pretend you do and get frustrated if you don't and I cannot eat foods I do not like. I like my foods simple (meat and potatoes) without a lot of seasonings or sauces and when people cook for you they always think they need to throw in the whole spice cabinet.

People always say I am intelligent and that I am 'strong'. People think that I don't *feel* things the way they do so they are more prone to hurt my feelings because they think I am somehow made of stone. The truth is that while I may struggle to laugh at silly jokes, I am quite capable of experiencing the pain that comes from being treated differently. I am just learning about Adult Aspergers but I feel this may explain why I have been the way I am all of my life. I prefer aloneness because it makes me feel less different.

I struggle when listening to my friends personal concerns because their behavior seems irrational to me. They will talk and say they believe one thing but then never act on it. Their words and actions don't match and I have a hard time processing that. When people hurt me, I will give them another chance. But after a few times, I tend to just remove them from my life because I do not know how to deal with conflict and I do not know how to recover from being hurt. I can shut them out like turning off a light switch. I've always been able to do this and am surprised that more people can't. I would rather be alone than be hurting and I can't understand why others remain in situations where they are miserable. I can't understand the concept of being afraid to be alone.

I am married with four children and an amazing husband. Recently I had asked for a separation because I am emotionally overloaded. Recent move to a different state. New house. New job that I am struggling with. No friends here. I just wanted to push everyone away and be ALONE. He wouldn't let me. He knows me too well and know he leaves I will shut him out for good. He has been such a big help to me and so supportive of me. When I told him about Adult Asperger's and he read up on it, he agreed that I do almost all of those things and didn't realize they were part of something larger. He just thought they were me being me. I am hoping to get an official diagnosis, make some friends, and understand AA better. I feel such a weight lifted now that I know I'm not alone. Wrong planet is the perfect name. I have felt like I was on the wrong planet for years.

Pileated woodpecker
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18 Feb 2013, 7:16 pm

Hey there mommabrer! Welcome to WrongPlanet!! I know just what you mean. I was misdiagnosed when I was sixteen, and now they are finally discovering that all this time I have a structural or physical biological difference, not a freaking brain imbalance which I always thought was wrong to be thought. While I do have some issues like I may have mild bipolar symptoms my new therapist says she thinks almost assuredly that I have Aspergers. So you are not alone, nor a freak or weird person. Everyone evolves differently, Aspergers is high functioning so yeah, pretty cool eh?

Your Aspie score: 159 of 200
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18 Feb 2013, 7:17 pm

welcome to WP.


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18 Feb 2013, 9:09 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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18 Feb 2013, 9:36 pm

I felt the same kind of relief about sensory overload when I realized I was an Aspie. For most of my life I thought I just randomly turned into a b***h. Now I can recognize when I'm overloaded and can cope better or avoid overload, and if I'm with someone I can explain why I'm suddenly so tense. It helps a lot and is a great relief.

Sea Gull
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19 Feb 2013, 5:44 am

Hi mommabrer, I came to a similar realisation a few years ago, and I think it has helped me understand and accept myself a lot more. I recognise a lot of the traits you've mentioned. It feels good to know there's nothing 'wrong' with you and it is just a difference. I hope your realisation and talking to people here helps!


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20 Feb 2013, 2:56 pm

I exactly know how you feel like. When I found out that there is something that explains so much and that there are other people who feel like me, it was a relief too.

English is not my native language. So it is possible that there are mistakes in my posts. Please correct me, I´m still learning.

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20 Feb 2013, 6:34 pm

Welcome! You are certainly not alone! I was just diagnosed a week ago with Asperger's. At the moment I can say it has been both a blessing and a curse.

Anyhow... welcome to Wrong Planet!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 Feb 2013, 7:47 pm

Thanks for the all the welcomes! :)

Tufted Titmouse
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21 Feb 2013, 8:14 pm

Hi mommabrer I'm just new on here too and I have to say I felt like you could have been talking about me when you were writing you story, I wanted to ask you a question you said you had 4 kids I have 3 and was wondering if you had spotted my signs of aspergers in them as it was looking into my sons behaviour that brought my attention to it in the first place and like yourself it seems to have explained so many things that I have felt though my life. Anyway was wanting to know if you had as although I know my son definitely has some sort of behavioural problem I'm not sure with him if it is definitely aspergers.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Feb 2013, 7:27 am

Welcome here ;)


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23 Feb 2013, 6:39 pm

A sweet welkome to WPea.


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