Hi! I was previously registered here and an half ago, but I bailed on this site and using the message boards when a girl replied to me and said that she wanted to hook up with me, and I thought it was either spam or someone playing a cruel joke on me! I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome when I was a teenager in middle school by a psychologist that I saw with my parents on and off until I graduated from high school because the school paid for once a week. I was previously diagnosed with just plain autism when I was little kid. After I graduated from high school with a regular diploma (I was on the IEP program), I tried job training by being a bagger at a grocery store, but I failed at that and I then tried job training again by working at the Goodwill workshop for five months until a failed that again when I struggled to string a necklace or some kind of knicknack! I have been "unemployed" ever since, and I still live at home with my dad (my parents divoreced when I was seventeen years old) and two dogs that were previously owned by my brother and his wife (my brother and his wife used to live with us until they moved out to their new home last summer). I also don't have a driver's liscence ( I tried getting a permit, but failed the test twice, but have an ID card instead) and pretty much a very lazy person who watched tv and uses the computer to go on the internet, and take care of the dogs while my dad works (which might sound pathetic to some of you folks!). That's all I got!