Heidi wrote:
Hi you all ! Greetings from Switzerland
Maybe you can help me.
After reading an article on Asperger's Syndrome in Newsweek a few year back, I've read up on the topic and come to the conclusion that my 35-year old brother is an Aspie.
How can I help him without hurting his feelings? How can I tell him gently that I think he is "different", but his condition is explained and the way he is has a name?
I've been buying tones of books in the hope of finding the perfect one for him, but none is right. I worry that he is suffering alone, when he could be in a friendly and understanding community of peple who can relate to what he is going through.
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.
Hi, I will try to find the link for aspie quiz, its really fun to take. I talked my parents and sibs into taking it. My parents were annoyed by my request, but my sibs helped talk them into taking it. The parents came out normal. (My parents, meaning biological mother, and step father, I get my autism from my biological father, who isn't around to take the test.) My sibs, who are related to my bio father, were joyful about taking the test, auties seem to enjoy these things. one sib came out half and half, one came in at almost half and half, but that was the 6 year old, so some q's couldn't be answered correctly) I wouldn't worry about offending your brother, be direct, and tell him to take the test. What would offend an NT, most likely will compliment an aspie. self diagnosis is fun for auties! Plus, most of us autistics and aspies really DON'T feel like we are suffering. (I think we might feel more evolved, or hybrid) peace