mikassyna wrote:
Hi, welcome
Did you get tested for prosopagnosia? I believe I have a mild case of it but have not been formally diagnosed. I also am pretty sure I have a mild to moderate case of topographic agnosia but don't know if a professional does any test for that. Did the same doctor dx you with both?
The doctor did test for prosopagnosia, possibly because I mentioned I have trouble with faces in the questionnaire I completed before hand. I thought I was mild too before I was tested and found I was actually pretty bad. I had done online tests with celebrities before I scored a little less than average. This test the doctor did was harder. I wasn't tested for topographic agnosia...but I'm positive I have that too. I can't even get to the corner store without getting disoriented! I haven't got my report back yet, when I do I will ask about that. I came across a research website that has a bunch of tests for that. I haven't done them yet but it seemed legit. It's "getting lost dot ca" (I can't post links because I'm new).
For the prosopagnosia, the doctor also explained that people develop amazing coping abilities. Without realizing, you are memorizing other details about a person. Their body shape, hair, mannerisms, walk, clothing etc. Now that I think about it, I can't really picture someone's face in my head...I can only see their eyes or mouth...sort of wisps of their face but not the whole thing. (I have no idea how others see faces in their mind). Yesterday for example I went to a lecture and the speaker was talking for over an hour so I was looking at her face for an hour straight. After the lecture, she changed her clothing and I couldn't recognize her anymore. The more I think about it the more it blows my mind! I can recognize myself In a mirror and my family/friends but now I don't know if I know their face or I've memorized other features. The brain is so amazing! I wonder if both conditions are related? I would guess they might be!