Uhhh, hey! Just wanted to say hi! I'm new here, after all.
I guess I should introduce myself.
I am Shawn Gorton. I don't go by aliases or false names. I don't regret anything I've done.
I'm a self-advocate, it's what I do to get myself noticed with my government.
Somethings I do, uhhh....I noticed that when /ever/ I wear corded headphones, I always put the wires into my mouth but never chew them. Another thing would be I can play the piano! Not that good, but I'm told I'm good at it! Last thing I wanted to put in is that I need someone to explain things once. No matter what it is. I still don't get why certain things are offensive yet.
Diagnosis, gotta include that. I have Asperger's Syndrome, until the DSM V comes in and makes me Autism Spectrum Disorder. I'm not fond of the idea of changing the diagnosis, though. That's all, for now. I can't think of anything else I can get away with putting in.