Hello people from WP! I have been lurking around WP on and off for about a few years. I was always too lazy/not in the mood/(insert excuse here) to register and post. But today i decided "why the hell not?".
I found out that i had aspergers by reading a Wikipedia article about it in 2009. Many of the things sounded very familiar and explained why i had such troubles socializing. Throughout the years that followed i tried to mimic the social things other people did. I became more social and speaking with strangers became much easier(although i'm still bad at it, mind you!). The only downside was that i created a fake person, a person that is not the real me. It sometimes makes me feel lonely despite the fact that i have more friends/people around then ever before. The only people where i can be myself are my parents and the few friends that i have known for 10 - 20 years. Nobody knows i have aspergers although my parents assume i have some form of very mild autism.
My interests have been pretty much the same my whole life. My main interest are video games that came out during the 90's and early 00's such as Amiga, SNES, MS-DOS, N64, Genesis, PSX and windows 95/98/2000 video games. The other things i am interested in/like are: Board games, card games, animation/cartoon movies and cats(see my avatar!). Despite the fact that i am a social wreck i still have a hand full friends with the same interests.....and a legion of internet friends. For whatever reason i have no problems in making "e-friends", maybe because aspergers isn't so apparent online?
Well anyway, i hope to stay here for many years to come and hopefully contribute to the discussions and whatnot!
PS: Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes, i'm not too good at English.