Invitation to Seattle Area Aspies
The Square Peg Social Club, a socializing and support groups for people on the autism spectrum (and the generally awkward) is turning 5 this month, and we're celebrating the milestone with a birthday bash on the North end of Capitol Hill in Seattle. Co-foundes Mark and I will be preparing an Italian feast, with an optional potluck component to provide a little bit of everything food wise, as well as a selection of soft and hard beverages. There may even be cake... (There is no charge for attending, and bringing something for the potluck is appreciated but completely optional)
If you're new to the area and want to meet other local Aspies, newly diagnosed and looking for support, or even a longtime member of the group who's never made it out to one of the meetings, this is the place to start. The fun starts on Saturday April 13th at 7pm, with further details supplied on the meetup site for the group, . Membership is completely free, and once you sign up you'll be able to see the addresses and schedules for all of our different events and meetings. For the Seattle meeting, I'd recommend showing up a little bit early if you're driving, as parking can be a little tricky in the area, and there are a limited number of spaces available at the site.
Feel free to PM me here with any questions you may have.
Hope to see you there!
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez