I have recently arrived here to this green cyt but still learning how to ambulate sections.
I am 57yo, just diagnosed in 2010, along with Dissociative Identity disorder, social anxiety disorder, depression, Aspieism and associated maladies. PLaced on social security disability 5 months after application.
Have worked since I was 13 years old paying into system but in all those years, even considering being in the U S Army for 11 years and working at General Motors 11 years and being married 20 years I dont have a friend in the world that will talk to me.
I never knew all this time that I was such a pain in da kneecap. Just thought I was megaccentric.
I seldom speak to anyone. I prefer writing. I seldom go out in the daylight and when I do I have to wear sun goggles, earplugs and a big hat to protect me from the onslaught of chaos.
Been like this all me life, but took 3 suicide attempts in 5 years to draw anyones attention to me, be diagnosed and entered into the roles of the, "moocher class", as I have come to be called by my pseudo-sisters.
woe is me, woe is me. pass the ice cream please.