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12 Apr 2013, 9:43 pm

I've returned to WP after a break of about 3 years due to cancer . As I live just out of a small country town and am DX Aspergers I'm extremely isolated. Would like to get in touch with other older aspies.
As well as overcoming Cancer, and being Aspie I also have CFS. My interests are art,philosophy,psychology, reading, writing and recently swimming.
At present I feel quite "lost" as my life has changed dramatically since my surgery and treatment and I'm now at the stage of realizing that I need to find myself, so to speak, and create a new life purpose. My energy levels are poor and I need to focus on a narrow field of interest within physical capabilities, so I guess i'm having an identity crisis.
Anyone out there older than 50 who has grappled with these identity changing crises recently?

Thanks for reading my post!

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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13 Apr 2013, 12:11 am

Sounds like you have had a bit of a rough time. Have not been around here long as I recently self diagnosed myself as an aspie after researching the topic because of problems with a grandchild. I found that it was quite liberating as it explains a lot of what I had been feeling about myself.

I don't know if I can help at all, but give me a PM. It would be good to contact another aspie. Had a few identity changing crises, tended to coincide with bouts of depression. Anyway, it sounds like your problems got worse after your surgery.

Best wishes