I am a 32 year old female in the UK and I think I may have/be/ aspergers. My son (who is 9) was diagnosed with ASD when he was 5. I have been paying privately for counselling for almost a year for myself as I have many relationship issues (romantic and otherwise).
My romantic relationship has settled down a lot and I think that through counselling that I have realised that I do not have to have a relationship in the way that other people expect - it is ok for us to do it our way. We have a routine where I see him 2-3 times per week, meeting at the same time and always at my house. It sounds like I am a control freak but I used to go insane when I didn't know when we were meeting - it was like I was never going to see him again. He is very understanding of my ways and I think actually likes most of them.
I have just left my job due to the lack of structure, clear rules and a colleague who was just too loud and invasive for me. After staff meetings I always went home crying as she would create so many conflicts within the team and honestly, it felt like she shouted all the time. I just couldn't deal with it. (She also picked her nails all the time, making a click click click sound, and touched me constantly when she was talking to me - I hated it!). So here I am, unemployed again and unable to see if I will ever be able to manage a career. I never seem to really get on with my colleagues, even if we can chat I can't seem to get the collaborative mentality and have often been excluded from social events over the years.
I have friends and always have had friends, however I have the sort of friends who go out without inviting me claiming I wouldn't have gone or enjoyed myself anyway. I always feel like I am ok for staying in with but I must be embarrassing or something when we go out as it is very rare.
Today I had a success though, I had to phone a plumber and arrange him to unblock my drain. These are scary things but I did it. I know it's small and at my age I should be able to just do this stuff but I can't and I think I am starting to come to terms with why that might be.
So I hope no-one minds me hanging out on WP. I have been reading the forums on and off for some time but I think I am ready to actually post something. Sorry it's so long.