Hi, feel a bit unsure about posting here. Never been great at talking about myself
I went to the doctor over a year ago and ended up off work with anxiety and then was seeing a psychologist for a few months. That's come to an end now. Near the end of my sessions something clicked and I suddenly thought perhaps my issues were more down to having AS. Psychologist seemed to think that was a possibility but not being her field, after some persuasion she said she would refer me. I am a male adult. Now waiting patiently to see what will happen next.
Some days I think yeah defo got AS, wife thinks so. Other days and I think no and feel I'm wasting people's time. Did the Cohen test and scored 34/36 over two tests. I realise it is not the way to determine for sure.
It's only over the last few months that things seemed to have fallen into place and thinking back to when I was younger somethings now make some kind of sense. Still not sure though that this is definitely my problem. Must say great if it is. I think it would make life a bit easier for me but more importantly for my wife and family.
I have no patience and get extremely frustrated when we go to the supermarket.
I do not cope well with social occasions, finding them really stressful. That's always been the case. Certainly dislike group discussions and meetings at work. I never take part, mind always goes blank. Get put on the spot and I struggle to give an answer. Multitasking that's a big problem!
There is nothing worse than coming home to a whole lot of noise and the kids wanting to talk to me. Sounds selfish but I get in a really bad mood and it can last for hours. Just too much noise and things going on to cope with. Head just races.
I dislike answering the door and hide/avoid at every opportunity. I also find it difficult to speak to most people and more recently even my mum. She is finding me hard to deal with. Struggle to continue conversations, even with people I've known for years.
When it comes to my wife again I don't open up very well to her. She has a hard time. I'm not touchy feely and I suppose quite cold towards her. It's got to suite me and that isn't great. Her family like a kiss/cuddle when saying goodbyes etc. I am always trying to sneak away without getting caught. Hate all that.
I'm sitting typing this and the house is so quiet. I'm at home myself for a couple of hours. I look forward to this time of the week. Peace and quiet. Sad though it sounds I really enjoy my own company and prefer that much of the time to having my family with me.
Apologies I'm sure people come on here all the time with the same posts just got typing and and can't stop!
There are many other things I experience but won't bore you with them. Thanks for reading this if you managed to get to the end.