What is your first name? Becca
Age: 16
Location: United States
Hobbies and Interests: writing, reading
Why are you here? have AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Never officially tested/diagnosed. I had been researching AS for about six months and asked to get tested when my parents finally informed me that my former psychologist thought I most likely had it.
Favorite subjects: English, Psychology
Year/Grade: Sophomore in high school
Favorite music: it ranges anywhere from Five Finger Death Punch to Ed Sheeran
Books: Too many to name. Really anything by Jodi Picoult or Stephen King. Especially Misery and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.
TV shows/Movies: New Girl, Criminal Minds, and Big Bang Theory. As for movies, I'm down for anything that involves horror and/or suspense.
Instrument: violin
Do you like sports? Does Academic Team count?
Family: Dad, brother, step sister, and step mom
Plans for the future? I'm torn between creative writing and forensic science. Maybe I'll just become Castle.