Hi there. Just came across this site and from the info here, it looks like I will be learning a lot.
It was brought to my attention recently that I might be an Aspie. From the reading I've done on it, and the little online tests I've taken (Are you an Aspie?), seems like I've pegged out the meter on the results. I haven't had a professional diagnoses yet, but I'll se my shrink soon to confirm it.
A little about me:
38 years old, 46XY male, diagnosed a long time ago with Reifensteins Syndrome also known as PAIS (Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome). Reifensteins falls into the category of Intersexed/DSD (Disorders of Sexual Development). When people hear the word "intersexed", it scares them. They have all sorts of thoughts of hermaphrodites with a penis and vagina. That's not the case, especially with me.
As a 46XY male with Reifensteins, my body is resistant to the little bit of testosterone it makes. All babies start off female. It's how much testosterone a baby boys body makes and is 'accepted' and not rejected that will determine how "male" his body will become. So due to that, my body never went through a normal "male puberty". Puberty hit late, in my 20's. Basically, no secondary body hair, undecended testes, abnormal genitalia, and other feminized attributes, etc.
It took 35 years for me to realize that I hated fitting into the stereotypical "Gender is binary male or female" crap and finally be who I am. My mind and body isn't 100% male or female, so why do I need to "live" as 100% male? I've finally accepted that I was different, now the whole Aspergers thing arises.
But after reading how a lot of Aspies have gender issues, this only makes things even more confusing. But it's all good. it proves to me even more that I don't want to be "normal" per societies standards, and that makes my smile gets just a little bit brighter.
In case anyone is wondering, yes, that is me in the avatar in female mode. And damn, I love her. Hell, I lived 2.5 years as her fulltime. But not any more. Being her all the time isn't me I've learned.
To top it off, because of being born intersexed, I was legally allowed to change my gender marker and name.
Life is great
Gender isn't black or white, it's also gray. I'm gray. I'm not male or female, yet I am both, physically & mentally. I was born 46XY intersexed w/Reifensteins Syndrome. Until you learn to love yourself for how God made you, you'll never be truly happy