Hey all,
I'm Alex, diagnosed with ADHD and Dyspraxia and I self diagnosed myself with OCD. I have no idea if I'm autistic or not and I need help...
I've always been awkward socially, I've always had little friends with the exception of a one or two, however, I have made strong friendships... Which all ended up dissipating because they found me 'annoying' or weird. I make eye contact except on certain occasions when I feel that it's too awkward to do so. I'm very friendly yet I seem to annoy my parents gravely and others around me, sometimes, unwittingly. On top of this, I seem to have a lack of empathy in that for example, when certain bad situations have happened to me and my family, I've been upset by it little, almost as if I can't, even though I'd like to. I also have trouble communicating as I find it very hard to make conversation some times and small talk which has led me to be ostracised by my former best friend recently. I also do tend to develop strong interests like once during my youth, I had an obsession with countries and flags which went on for months. After, I developed interests in foreign languages, foreign cultures, science, and recently psychology. Yet, despite my strong interests which I absorb myself in, I always change interest in the end. In certain social situations, I find it extremely difficult to find the appropriate response, too. For example, when people mess with me, I find it difficult to come up with a response or when people tell me something, I find it difficult to talk further about it.
With regards to routines, well, I have little care for routines and I don't mind change, I almost lack these behaviours entirely. I also lack a sense of humour but do laugh at others jokes just tend to be rubbish at telling them.
Lastly, I have this massive tendency to flap my hands when I'm excited and I have a love of thinking and being within my own head. I need to flap to release all this energy as a result of being excited.
What is wrong with me? Does this sound like autism/aspergers? Note: I'm massively insecure and I don't want to discuss my issues with anybody so me going to a doctor is highly unlikely....
Last edited by Alex123 on 12 May 2013, 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.