Glad I found this forum. DS is an undiagnosed Aspie. We had him evaluated at the school a few years ago and they found nothing, however, we know he definitely has a mild form of it, but not mild enough that you can't see he's a little different. He could identify and say the alphabet at 18mo, could read newspapers by 2 1/2 (not totally comprehending, of course, but could definitely read all the words), new countries, capitols and classical composed by 4. Of course, now that he's a teen, he's all caught up academically. He always stimmed, but only at home or in the car when he things no one is looking.
Now he's a teen and we can all agree it's hard enough being a social kind of teen, but having Aspergers on top of it is proving to be more challenging. Hoping to find some guidance on this forum,
Thanks for reading!