Hello everyone!
I've known about this board for a while but haven't really "lurked". Decided to sign up today. It's sort of hard to write about myself like this without a direct conversation, but here goes.
A therapist mentioned aspergers to me a few years ago as something I might have (I was seeing them for anxiety mainly), and after researching it myself it was obvious they were right. I've been able to be fairly social throughout my life, and generally liked by people, but always had trouble having "close" friendships and romantic relationships. It was frustrating especially through my 20's (I'm in my 30's now). I'm currently married and have a 5 year old daughter. It was after this that I found out I had aspergers (and we also found out my wife has borderline personality disorder). It presents a challenge, and despite being successful in getting married, I still find it difficult sometimes due to Aspergers.
I am interested in hearing what other people with Aspergers have to say and share about themselves for my personal curiosity, as well as my general professional aspirations. Unlike some Aspergers who seem to excel at more scientific or mathematical areas, I've been more interested in humanities. I have a BA degree in both psychology and philosophy, and plan to become a psychologist or at least councellor. Specifically I wish to counsel people with Aspergers, and have a particular interest in unraveling its mystery from within my own mind, as well as from learning what I can about it through study and hopefully interacting here. For now I work a computer related job, which I also have a knack for, but isn't really my particular passion. When I have more time and money I intend to probably persue a further psychology degree though.
I'm not sure what else to say right now, but thanks for reading this.