Hello I'm Emma. I discovered this site a few weeks ago, and I've become kinda obsessed with it, so I figured I'd create an account and introduce myself. I love forums, and whenever I find a new one about something I'm interested in I go through all the pages and read a lot of the threads. This one is so huge; I can't believe the autism related discussion forum has over 1,000 pages. I've only gotten through about five hundred of them so far, but I already love to community and have learned a lot about some of the people with avatars that are recognizable each time I see them post in a thread.
I am NT (or is it an NT; I've seen both phrases used),so I'm not sure how much I will be posting or to what extent I am welcome here. I have found myself relating to many of the things said on here, which is probably one of the reasons I have become so interested in WP even though I'm not on the spectrum.
I guess I should say a few things about myself. I'm not sure, I haven't read any other introductions in this forum to see what the etiquette seems to be, and although I lurk on forums all the time, I rarely post. I'm going to be a junior in college in about a month. I'm majoring in English and minoring in statistics. I have three fish. They are cute and fun to watch. I want to get a cat some day but I don't have a car right now to take him to the vet, and I also can't afford one.
Well, that's all I got. Hi everyone