I've been browsing around on this forum occasionally, there's some pretty interesting threads in here... but until now I never really bothered making an account, so there.
Sooo, time for some facts about me...
I am ParaSait, an aspie from Belgium/Flanders, I study applied computer science (but hope to go more theoretical after this bachelor's...)
I <3 Japan and absolutely hope to move there in the future.
I am pretty much a complete loner and I have almost no social contact whatsoever except my cat and my best friend on skype.
I can't stand random noises very well so you'll usually see me listen to music, and consequently I like a broad spectrum of genres...
My favourite food is macaroni and my favourite drink is booze.
I am also bi/fluid and not really the most masculine person around, so you may see me in that LGBT section down here as well.
Special interests:
- The Japanese group Perfume (I know about & have collected dang near everything about em)
- Final Fantasy (I am like a walking encyclopedia for most pre-X games and even know the inner workings of VII's engine in detail, so... yeah)
- NES gaming (NO console will ever beat the NES! Booow before the NES!)
- Philosophy (Oh, the time I have spent on my world view and on metaphysical and ethical thought...)
- Quite a number of other (rather temporary) things I can't seem to shut up about
- Listing special interests in introductory posts
- Being incredibly meta
Hmmm... welp, that's all for now I think.
ADDENDUM: Oh, one more thing... the profile page says I can use HTML in my sig. It doesn't seem to work. What's up with that? :P
"The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain." -Aristotle