The first way in which I've changed is that I'm not doing nearly as many chores as I did, last year. I sit on my couch for 60% of the time frame that I used to do all those chores in, with my favourite Routemaster replica where I can see is, clearly. I spend 30% of that time window shopping, shopping and visiting Chico. I spend 10% of that time doing chores, only because they need to get done.
My second change is that I don't numb my emotions with coffee, anymore. If I feel like crying, I cry. I'm living on my own, so I can let lose, around each monthly aniversary date of Black Friday: The Demise of the Routemaster, give or take a few days. Believe me, I cry a lot around those dates now, because I can. That's why I don't need to drink coffee. Because I'm not around people whom I feel a need to hide my feelings from.
I have more of a Social Life, than I did last year, around this time. Even with my bathroom issues, I still have a good social life.
Last edited by CockneyRebel on 12 Feb 2007, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.