For many years I have wandered to every corner I could reach to find the promised land. Could this land be the one I have dreamed of in my nights of solitude? Only time and my experience here will tell. I shall tell you of who I am. I am Joseph. My name is derived from the biblical character who had the coat of many colors, was betrayed by his brothers and became king of Eygpt. In Hebrew my name means "he will add" and so I have made it my mission to add something to this world before I am to die. I am of 17 years and I hail from the state of Louisiana. I love writing, literature, fantasy, horror, and heavy metal (without which I would have died long ago by way of suicide were not my music there to save me). I speak in this old and archaic tone and narrative as it is one of my eccentric attributes, I will expect the "trolls" to come and laugh at me because of this. Anyways, if you wish to speak more to me, message me or state your business here. I am most sympathetic to those of the dark subcultures (punks, goths, metalheads, rivetheads, steampunks, even the emos and the scene persons) so long as they are true and do not hide behind the facade of my people like cowards and liars. If you are true, then speak to me, if you are false and a traitor, then begone from my sight!
Signed, the Wandering Knight