Hello, I'm new here! I am fourteen and undiagnosed, but relatively certain that I have Aspergers Syndrome, and there are teacher and a couple of psychologists who would back me up on that. I am going into tenth grade this year, I "self diagnosed" (I hate that term because I have never even told anyone) with Asperger's in sixth grade after watching Temple Grandin with a friend and my mother telling us about Aspergers Syndrome (HAHA! ASS BURGERS??? we were ten... cut us some slack...). I have just assumed that I was autistic since the time I was seven, though, in third grade when I was in class with a boy with HFA. The teachers always pared me up with him, because I understood him. I got made fun of for that, he is much further along on the spectrum than I am. Well.. hello everyone! Any teen Aspies in the LA area?
16 years old, I have synesthesia and Aspergers (probably) "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath. Do your research."- Sherlock (BBC)